Thursday, 20 October 2011

TDR - Test Driven Review

We all did it a couple of times, but it wasn't until recently that I found out how useful and efficient it was. Our fresh hires start working on production code relatively soon after their first day. Nevertheless we want to review their work before check-in.
Getting up to speed
I always start with, "Let me see the tests". It is only partially to emphasise the importance of tests, the real reason is that for me it's easier and quicker to engage in the task he has just solved. And this gives me the chance to profoundly review the code itself and how it looks.
Sometimes we don't even continue to the code, because it turns out that he misinterpreted the task at hand, and solved something else. But that's okay too, for through the tests I can very easily and clearly explain what the real task is. If we were to do this via the implementation, it would be less unambiguous.
Finally, I can show him couple of coding tricks, again without being too superficial, yet being quite quick. What I mean is I can quickly refactor his code on the spot, without saying things like "... and you can imagine the rest" - no, at the end of the demonstration we have a still working code(checked by the help of the tests), but with me already having made my points on coding as we know it: expressive and duplication free.

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